Estate Engine is a local Lehi startup streamlining the process to obtain an estate plan. If you have ever had privvy into that current process. It’s long, it drags on, everythign has to be in-person and with a lawer present. The reason for it being such a lengthy process is there are a lot of legal hoops to jump through when looking to preserve your wealth. There are also an endless ammount of options within an estate plan which can become complicated when trying to digest it all as a whole.

Estate Engine has simplified the process, only giving you the information that applies to your situation. Following Estate Engines step by step process, you can fill out your estate plan in a matter of minutes. No more grueling hours in an attourneys office. Estate Engine’s dedicated law group verifies your plan before officializing all estate documents.
Product Design
UX Design
UI Design
Building from the ground up. This has never been done before and there are some definite hoops to jump through to make it happen. And even different legalities depending on which state you are filing your estate in.
Typeform sucks:
The initial pass at Estate Engine used Typeform as it’s tool of information gathering. This limited the amount of explanatory information someone can access throughout the decision process. Some people may not need as much explanation as others, and we wanted to avoid an overload of information for the user.
Startup development is tough. Where do we build it? How do we build it? What does it look like? How can we build this correctly so we can effectively build off of our MVP in the future? So many questions and Mitchell, our trusty coding master, helped us answer all things development. We built it in react out of AWS and I provided the user flow as well as the identity. Using Google’e pre-built Material UI Design System helped cut our development time practically in half.
How do we ensure that people can pay for a plan and that we get paid before we receive their information and have to finalize anything for them? Is this just an iframe out of our website? Or a software you can purchase? Decisions, decisions.
Did I mention startups are invigorating and infuriating? A real love hate relationship here. But building something from the ground up is as rewarding as ever.
We moved away completely from typeform. We needed to build our own platform where we could be educating the user at the same time as they are filling out their plan. This brought forth our current design of a full width window with an expandable education tab which expounds on the specific step you may be answering.
We found that not only is the estate planning process a pain for the person seeking the plan, but also a major pain point for the Lawyer officiating the documents. It’s inefficient; and because of that, estate lawyers have raised their rates immensely even in the last few years. We began partnering with large law firms across the nation and providing a plug of our software into the back end of their websites. So a user could log into their account with this large law firm and have access to this easy estate planning tool. We get paid per month of use of the software as well as per plan generated.
These people I would die for. Without them, Estate Engine would be nothing.

- Jake Cutler
- Mitchell Daw
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